Historical Nasu Sessho-seki Rock Tomoko Kamishima Sessho-seki Rock is a horrible legendary rock. There is a bleak and desolate track of land, called “the dry riverbed of the Sa..
9 Culture Kyubi Inari Shrine at Nasu Yumoto Larry Knipfing Kyubi Inari (Kitsune Jinja) is a shrine within a shrine at Nasu Onsen Jinja, in the Nasu Onsen area of Tochigi Prefecture. Alt..
Culture Experience Rural Tourism in Otawara Featured With great anticipation, we took the Tohoku Shinkansen from Tokyo to Ohtawara.
Gardens & Parks Nasunogahara Park Lynda Hogan Nasunogahara is a huge park with dozens of things to do and see. There is even a particularly nice campsite in the park. Ideal for..
12 Traditional Nasu-onsen-jinja Shrine Tomoko Kamishima Nasu-onsen-jinja Shrine is at the foot of Chausu-dake Mountain (1915m). Nasu-yumoto Onsen Hot Springs is very close to this shrine...
12 Historical Nasu Yumoto's 1000 Jizo Statues Larry Knipfing Like other jizo statues: sadness and beauty combined