Each year in autumn, Miyazaki Prefecture's Ikoma Plateau is filled with colorful cosmos flowers in several varieties.
Organic food, farm-stays, vegetables sent by parcel anywhere in Japan, weekday macrobiotic lunches too!
A variety of subtle flavors and textures in a beautifully arranged multi-course kaiseki lunch or dinner
Himukamura-no-Takarabako is a cafe serving delicious organic vegetarian fare, set in the grounds of Miyazaki's beautiful H..
Imagine an old castle town samurai home with historic beauty and modern convenience. How about staying the night?
Living A Rural Life Style in Aya, Miyazaki Prefecture
Stay in a renovated samurai-era home with modern comfort and style.
Nobeoka is large enough to have witnessed history and develop outstanding regional cuisine, yet small enough to remain intimate..
As Japan love unique train, you can take one of them between Miyazaki and Nango. The train also makes stops at Nichinan, Obi and..
The Beach Burger House is located within the Miyazaki Rinkai Park, and has an American beachside diner vibe with a menu to match...