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770 results
Homestay in Japan

Homestay in Japan


that the motivations for a host family are different from those of a hotel... Residential areas are usually quieter and more livable than hotel districts

Kyoto Guesthouse Roujiya at Nijo

Kyoto Guesthouse Roujiya at Nijo

Bonson Lam

and with a feeling of comfort and intimacy that would put many small hotels... There are also authentic and homely touches, such as the antique tansu

Kyoto 1
Studio Nada in Kashima

Studio Nada in Kashima

Stacy Kurokawa

probably the only similarity you will find between Studio Nada and a hotel... breakfast, a central location and staff in suits, then you ought to book a hotel

Okayama City Airbnb

Okayama City Airbnb


WiFi internet access, tv, old school PS video games for you guru gamers, towels... the historical Bikanchu area of Kurashiki with its traditional style homes



Andrew Checkley

It also grants entry to what is by far the finest onsen I’ve ever visited

Aomori 1