- 1 min read

Namja Town's Ice Cream Parlour

Some of the strangest flavours you'll ever try

Though Namja Town offers an array of activities I went for one purpose. There is an ice cream shop that sells strange flavours and I wanted to experience these unusual desserts. I was surprised when finding the store that you can choose a tray with 6 separate flavours making sure you can enjoy much of what they have on offer. The flavours are actually split into categories so depending on what area of the list you choose from the price will vary from 60 to 200 yen per scoop, from Lavender and Tulip in Hokkaido to Miso Ramen flavor in Kyushu. To be safe I choose two normal flavours just in case the strangers ones like eel, oyster or Hokkaido potato got the better of me. To my surprise I would happily buy curry flavour ice cream if started selling in my nearest supermarket.

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