Step 1: Titles
In this article
How to write a good title
Titles must be:
Clear and specific
Optimised for search
Unique within the site (we show a reminder message if your title duplicates another on the site.)
Written in everyday English
Include a main title and subtitle:
Title: under 55 characters (including spaces)*
Try to frontload keywords – our site “cards” truncate titles after 36 characters -
Subtitle: under 65 characters (including spaces)
Subtitles should complement the main title, but the main title must be able to stand alone by itself.
How to write a good summary
Summaries (article descriptions) should:
Expand on the title without repeating it
Explain the point of the page and make sense in search results
Be written in full sentences (with a verb and a full stop).
Be front-loaded with words and phrases users are likely to search for.
Be written in plain English.
Explain any acronyms in the title
Be around 155 characters
Last modified on Nov 5, 2020