Demonstration of hotel robot (Photo: AP Photos)
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Robot Hotel to Open in Japan [Closed]

High-tech hotel will be staffed by multilingual robots

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Last updated: Oct 20, 2020

This summer, a hotel will open in Nagasaki, Japan. It will have 72 rooms and will be staffed by 10 humanoid robots.

The Henn-na Hotel's blinking and "breathing" actroids will be able to make eye contact, respond to body language, and speak fluent Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and English, The Washington Post reports. They will check in guests, carry bags, make coffee, clean rooms, and deliver laundry.

The hotel will initially be staffed by 10 robots working alongside humans to provide a wide range of services from manning the reception desk to carrying bags and cleaning rooms. The management hopes to eventually have the hotel almost entirely staffed by the machines.

“In the future, we’d like to have more than 90 percent of hotel services operated by robots,” said Huis Ten Bosch president Hideo Sawada.

The actroids aren't the only futuristic thing about the Henn-na hotel. Guests will be able to unlock their rooms through facial recognition software, and radiation panels capable of detecting body heat will monitor and adjust room temperatures.

This isn't just some futuristic fever dream: the hotel is scheduled to open on July 17th. Room fees will start at $60 per night.


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Victoria Vlisides 8 years ago
Has anyone traveled to here yet? I'm super curious!

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