Guide to Bringing Medicines Into Japan
Find out what the rules are for bringing medication into Japan, including Over-The-Counter and Prescription medicine.
Find out what the rules are for bringing medication into Japan, including Over-The-Counter and Prescription medicine.
Know before you go with this money guide about the Japanese yen, exchanging currencies, how to pay in Japan, and using ATMs.
Enjoy centuries old traditions, lively parades, mouth-watering street food, and contagious fun at one of Japan’s most popular ..
Japan has plenty of national holidays throughout the year – know when the main holidays are to help with your travel preparati..
Hida embraces the arrival of winter by organizing an event to remove carp from the canal. The labor-intensive and—perhaps time..
Ajidokoro Furukawa is a large machiya-style restaurant in the city center, located just over the road from Festival Square and its..
The Santera Mairi Festival, literally "Three Temple Visit," is held annually on January 15th and known as one of Hida Furukawa's..
The Fukuzenji Soba restaurant serves authentic, handmade soba noodles made using buckwheat flour sourced from the local Hida Nagareha..
The Kojiya Awa Odori is held along the town’s shotengai (shopping street) where roughly 600 spectators join – lined up 10 rows..