Food Zaytoon: Palestinian Bistro Cafe Ashley Cox Zaytoon provides authentic Palestinian food and atmosphere with easy access from Sendai Station or subway.
Nightlife Kento's: "Oldies but Goodies" Ashley Cox Kento's is a live house that specializes in "Oldies but Goodies" 50's~60's American pop music. The Kento's bra..
Culture Tohoku's Four Temple Pilgrimage Ashley Cox Retrace the steps of Matsuo Basho and collect stamps through Tohoku's Four Temple Pilgrimage.
Activities Tohoku Food Marathon and Festival 2025 Late Apr Tohoku Food Marathon and Festival-a combination of a food event and a race. It is the best of both worlds!
Activities Indoor Rockclimbing in Sendai Ashley Cox B'Nuts is a climbing gym in downtown Sendai. Located on Jozenji Avenue, the bouldering and rock climbing shop and gym is a..
Activities Morohashi Museum of Modern Art Ashley Cox A collection of sculptures and paintings by Salvador Dali, Paul Cezanne and Pablo Picasso in Fukushima.
Activities All You Can Pick Blueberries Ashley Cox A great spot to try many different types of blueberries. You can also do a bit of camping or play tennis when you are finished!