Hyakuri Self Defence Air Force Show Jennifer Nakajima The Hyakuri Aviation show is held in September and October each year at Omitama Air Base in Japan. It is an exciting opportunity..
Colors of Autumn - Mount Tsukuba Jennifer Nakajima Autumn or Fall is famous for its splendid colors. One of the most popular hiking destinations in Japan is Mount Tsukuba in Ibaraki..
9 Hirasawa Kanga Ruins Jennifer Nakajima Hirasawa Kanga Ruins are ancient Tsukuba City governmental buildings from the 8th to 12th century. Consisting of three warehouses..
Kinoshita Circus Special Event Jennifer Nakajima Oct 19, 2015 Kinoshita Circus is one of the most popular circuses in Japan. The circus now touring all over the land of the rising sun and now..