Photo: Allan Murphy / JT
- 1 min read

Some no Komichi Dyeing Festival 2026

Fabulous river gallery of dyed fabric

Myoshoji River
Late Feb 2026

Traditionally, dye producers used to hang their dyed fabric along the Myoshoji River in the Nakai/Ochiai neighborhood near the Ikebukuro area. Some no Komichi is a dyeing festival that celebrates this tradition during a 3-day event. Visitors can marvel at the long, beautifully dyed pieces of fabric that are hung above the river.

Be transported back in time as you walk next to the river passing by local visitors—some in their kimonos. From the early Showa period, the Kanda River and Myoshoji River area was filled with over 300 small dyeing factories making this an important event for the area. Marvel at the dyeing festival river gallery of hanging fabric as they reflect off the water's surface.

Photo: Allan Murphy / JT

The annual event is held during the 3rd weekend of February, usually lasting three days from Friday to Sunday.

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