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252 results
Naoshima Sento

Naoshima Sento

Ellice Tan

A 'sento', unlike an 'onsen' which is water from natural... hot springs, is boiled water, a communal bath house.

The Yunohira of Yore

The Yunohira of Yore

Scott Brause

A traveler discovers that his long-cherished Shangri-la, Yunohira Onsen in western Japan's Oita Prefecture, is still toying with his heart.

Enoshima Island Spa

Enoshima Island Spa

Rey Waters

year for my wife’s birthday I try to do something special to show her how... A week ago while she was experiencing a hot stone massage and facial treatment

Kanagawa 4
Totsukawa-mura Village

Totsukawa-mura Village

Bryan Baier

The Subaru no Sato Onsen is the site of another “out of National Geographic... 3,529 feet) sits Tamaki Shrine, the innermost sanctuary of the three main shrines

Nara 2