Activities Hiking in Ome Maren Pauli How I accidentally discovered nature in Tokyo because I lost my way while I was trying to find a shrine.
Activities A Disney Obsession Niek Ceylan Belgian Nele Geerts visits as many Disney Parks each year as she can. I met her for an interview in the Dreamers Lounge in the Tokyo..
Food Japanese Seasonal Cuisine Maren Pauli Japanese seasonal cuisine is a treat for your taste buds and for sure you'll find something you've never eaten before.
Planning First Time Japan: 5 Things Not to Forget Steph Newman So you've booked your tickets and made a list of temples to visit, but have you considered these five essential things?
Transportation Ten Tips For Train Travel in Japan Jemma King Trains are the main mode of transport here in Japan. They will take you from A to B via C and loop round to D if required. The systems..
Culture Nirvana in Kagawa Arlene Bastion Nirvana in Kagawa is the end of the Henro, but what it leads on to is also important.
Culture Enlightenment to Nirvana - Or Not Arlene Bastion Enlightenment might be admitting defeat. Old Tiger Henro Part 9