Culture Yajiro Kokeshi Mura Elena Lisina Yajiro Kokeshi Mura is an interesting place where one can watch the process of making a Kokeshi doll and also learn about its history..
Shopping Tsukishima Neighborhood of Tokyo Elena Lisina A visit to a district in Tokyo that specializes in monja and offers good shopping.
Activities My Journey to Mt. Fuji Elena Lisina The experience of traveling to see the iconic Mt. Fuji in Japan
Culture Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Corinna David Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center has a view deck worth visiting and it is absolutely free.
Accommodation Airbnb Experience in Kyoto Corinna David Airbnb will hopefully encourage you to book rooms hosted by local Japanese residents in Kyoto instead of staying in luxurious hotels...
Nightlife Awesome Birthday at Robot Restaurant Corinna David Robot Restaurant is truly the most awesome and fascinating Tokyo experience. It was my best birthday ever in my favorite city!
Culture Interning at Japan Travel Anonymous The JapanTravel internship is a dream opportunity for anyone looking to dip their toes into travel journalism.