Cafe Vanitoy Bagel Todd Wojnowski Vanitoy Bagel is a fantastic cafe and bagel shop in the "Old Town" neighborhood of Kawagoe, Saitama. The food, drinks and atmosphere..
Food Starbucks Kanetsuki Street Kawagoe Lynda Hogan One of Japan's most beautiful Starbucks is in Kawagoe, right by Kawagoe's famous bell tower landmark. Moreover, the branch..
Food Sawawa, Kawagoe Branch Lynda Hogan Sawawa has enjoyed a booming trade since it first opened in Kawagoe six years ago. It is a food store with some seating, by the..
Cafe Nagamine-en, Fuda-no-tsuji Branch Lynda Hogan Nagamine-en sells dozens of green tea products made from Sayama green tea, grown locally in Kawagoe. On the second floor they have..
Food Autumn Treats in Kawagoe: Sweet Potato Chips Lynda Hogan One of autumns's best treats in Saitama are the famed sweet potato chips from the food stand Koedo Osatsuan. They're located..
Food Korekaki Shaved Ice Specialty Cafe Lynda Hogan Korekaki, a contraction of Kore Ga Kakigori, is a shaved ice and snow cone specialty cafe in the tourist city of Kawagoe. Located..
Food Kocha Romankan Shimano Lynda Hogan Kocha Romankan Shimano Tea room in Koedo Kawagoe is a traditional tea room serving a selection of tea, confectionery and light meals...
Food Kawagoe Art Cafe Cafe Elevato Lynda Hogan Kawagoe Art Cafe Cafe Elevato has a bar on the first floor and a cafe on the second. One of the first buildings on Ichibangai, the..