Photo: Edward Yagisawa Cannell
Photo: Edward Yagisawa Cannell
- 5 min read

Emergency Contact Information When in Japan

Important phone numbers for when something goes wrong

In the case of an unfortunate event or emergency, it is essential to know whom to contact and how, especially in a foreign country. Read this guide to find out which numbers to call during an emergency, how to contact your national embassy, and what you may need to say and do.

Emergency Phone Numbers

Below is a list of emergency phone numbers for Japan, followed by instructions for calling these numbers.

Organization Phone Number
Police 110
Fire/Ambulance 119
Coast Guard 118
Emergency question 7119 (free call) 9110 (pay call)
Emergency number on American bases 911 (redirects to 110)

Calling 119 (Fire/Ambulance)

In the event of a fire or medical emergency, follow the steps below; make sure that you are safe before taking action.

  • Tell the operator whether you are calling due to a fire and/or medical emergency.

  • Report the manner and condition of the injury or sickness, including when, where, and how.

  • Tell the operator your name, your phone number, and the address of your location; if you do not know the exact address, describe your surrounding area (e.g. nearest station, name of intersection, nearby landmarks) in as much detail as possible.

  • Do not hang up until the operator is fully aware of the above information, and until the operator hangs up first.

  • Meet the ambulance/fire truck (or send someone) outside once you hear the sirens.

Calling 110 (Police)

In the event of a crime or accident, follow the steps below while making sure that you are safe first.

  • Tell the operator the manner of the incident or accident, such as when, where, and how.

  • Give them your name, contact information, and address; if you do not know the exact address, describe your surrounding area in as much detail as possible.

  • Do not hang up until the operator is fully aware of the above information, and until the operator hangs up first.

  • Do not move locations until the police arrive.

  • In case of a traffic accident, be sure to get the name, address, phone number (home and office), and number plate of the person at fault, as well as any witnesses; you may need their testimony later on. Take pictures of the scene of the accident as well.

Things to Remember

Here are some other things to remember during an emergency:

  • 110 and 119 are toll-free; if you are using a public phone, you do not need to insert coins before calling. Press the red emergency button (newer phones don't have one) before calling.

  • Ambulances and fire trucks are free of charge.

    • This has led to instances of people calling ambulances for very minor injuries; it goes without saying that this is not advised. If you are unsure of whether or not to call an ambulance, call 7119.

  • It is recommended that if you do not speak Japanese very well, you ask help from someone that can, such as a friend, neighbor, landlord, or concierge.

  • In the event of an emergency such as a natural disaster, tune into Inter FM (76.1 FM) for radio updates in multiple languages.

  • While many telephone poles have the address printed on them on a green plate, make sure you take note of surrounding landmarks in case you do not know the address.

  • In case someone is unconscious, AEDs (automated external defibrillator) can be found at almost all major facilities, including train stations, convenience and department stores, and gyms.

  • You can also report crimes or inquire for lost items at local police boxes, or “kobans.” Two or three policemen are stationed at these koban 24/7, and most speak basic English (especially in large cities). On maps they are marked with an X.

Useful Phone Numbers

Below is a list of other phone numbers in Japan you may find handy; most, but not all, offer basic English services.

Organization Phone Number
Phone Directory 104
International calls (direct dial) 010 - country code - phone number
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 03 3580 3311
Japan Help Line 0570 000 911
Tokyo Police Consultation Service (8:30am-5:15pm/Mon-Fri) 03 3501 0110
Tokyo Fire Department/Hospital Info 03 3212 2323
Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Institution Information Service (also offers interpretation services) 03 5285 8185
Legal Advice Information “Hou Terasu” 0570 078 374
Tokyo English Life Line (9am - 11pm) 03 5774 0992
Tourism Information Center (9am - 5pm) 03 3201 3331
Foreign Residents Advisory Center - English (Mon-Fri, 9:30am-12pm & 1-5pm) 03 5320 7744
Foreign Residents Advisory Center - Chinese (Tues & Fri, 9:30am-12pm & 1-5pm) 03 5320 7766
Foreign Residents Advisory Center - Korean (Wed, 9:30am-12pm & 1-5pm) 03 5320 7700

Embassies in Japan

The following is a list of major embassies in Japan, their contact details and websites. If your country is not listed here, you can also refer to the full list.

Country Address Phone Number
Australia 2-1-14, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 108-8361 03-5232-4111
Brazil 2-11-12, Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 107-8633 03-3404-5211
Canada 7-3-38, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 107-8503 03-5412-6200
China 3-4-33, Moto-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 106-0046 03-3403-3380
France 4-11-44, Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 106-8514 03-5798-6000
Germany 4-5-10, Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 106-0047 03-5791-7700
Indonesia 5-2-9, Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 141-0022 03-3441-4201
Italy 2-5-4, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 108-8302 03-3453-5291
Russia 2-1-1, Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 106-0041 03-3583-4224
South Korea 1-2-5, Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 106-0047 03-3452-7611~9
Spain 1-3-29, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 106-0032 03-3583-8531/2
Thailand 3-14-6, Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 141-0021 03-5789-2433
United Kingdom 1, Ichiban-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 102-8381 03-5211-1100
United States of America 1-10-5, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo. Post Code: 107-8420 03-3224-5000
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Tyra 'nell Pille-Lu 9 years ago
This is indeed helpful. The only problem is when a foreigner could not speak Japanese and there's no one to ask for any translation help.
Justin Velgus 9 years ago
If you don't have access to a phone, this could be a problem. So it may be beneficial to write down some of the numbers in the article and ask the Japanese person to call. Almost every person living in Japan should have a phone.
Lester Goh 9 years ago
THIS IS GREAT. Finally, and thank you so much! I will recommend this to any friends heading to Japan soon.
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