Swinging Taiko at the Tsuribashi Festival 2025

Totsukawa-Mura's Yuredaiko redefines stage fright

Tanize Suspension Bridge
Early Aug 2025

Does the idea of taking the stage give you cold feet? Can you imagine if your stage was a wobbly Indiana-Jones-movie suspension bridge? That suspension bridge is the stage for the taiko drummers performing in Totsukawa-Mura's Yuredaiko.

The suspension bridge in question is the Tanize no Tsuribashi, the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in Japan at 297.7 meters in length, and one of, if not the tallest. The walkway sits 54 meters above the river below. The Yuredaiko (literally swinging/swaying taiko drums) is one of the big events to happen at the Tsuribashi Matsuri (Suspension Bridge Festival) in Totsukawa-Mura. The festival takes place on August 4th every year from 4pm and features, in addition to the taiko, rock bands, ukulele and Tsugaru shamisen performances, and performances by local dance teams. The festival finishes with fireworks at 9pm.

Totsukawa-Mura and the Tanize no Tsuribashi are in the southernmost part of Nara Prefecture miles away from any train station. Nara Kotsu operates a bus service between Yamato-Yagi Station on the Kintetsu Line in Nara Prefecture and Shingu Station on the JR Nanki Line in Wakayama. There are only 3 outbound and 3 return buses per day so it is recommended that you stay the night in Totsukawa-Mura and enjoy its hot springs and other sites while you're there. Nara Prefecture will refund your bus fare if you do stay one night or more. Happy travels!

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Mandy Bartok 9 years ago
I have to take issue with your crediting the bridge as the longest pedestrian suspension bridge (that honor goes to Oita's Kokonoe Yume Suspension Bridge down here in Kyushu ;) ) but otherwise, this festival looks awesome!
Bryan Baier Author 9 years ago
Thanks for the correction of longest pedestrian suspension bridge (Totsukawa-mura will need to do something about that plaque of theirs)

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