Transportation Taiheiyo Ferry Andrew Kehoe Taiheiyo ferry is a convenient way to travel between the ports of Nagoya, Sendai and Tomakomai with pleasant overnight accommo..
Accommodation Kamiwarizaki Campground Andrew Kehoe Kamiwarizaki is a campground in Minamisanriku that features fantastic ocean views and unique rock formations. Kamiwari is family..
Activities Spring Valley Ski Resort Andrew Kehoe Spring Valley Ski Resort is a small mountain 40 minutes from downtown Sendai by car. It is also accessible from Izumi-chuo sta..
Activities Zao Eboshi Ski Resort Andrew Kehoe Miyagi Zao Eboshi is one of four resorts on the East side of the Zao volcanoes in Miyagi. Eboshi boasts a 4,300 meter ski run ..
13 Activities Fukuurajima - the Lucky Inlet Andrew Kehoe Fukuurajima is a small island accessible by footbridge in Matsushima. It has many lookouts and stellar views of the surroundin..
11 Shopping Yuriage Port Morning Market Andrew Kehoe Yuriage Port Market every Sunday provides culinary and foodie fun for local Japanese and tourists alike. It is located in Natori,..
Culture Takekoma Inari Shrine Andrew Kehoe Takekoma is located in Iwanuma, Japan and is the second oldest Inari shrine in all of Japan.
Activities Minamisanriku Earth Camp Experience Andrew Kehoe Earth Camp is a unique experience that will leave a lasting impact and many great memories. Creating spaces where people and n..