Food Vegetarian Cafe Choukrane Michelle Ishiki A friendly vegan cafe right off the Itoman Rotary in Itoman City.
Culture Makomanai Takino Cemetery in Sapporo Michelle Ishiki In Sapporo, but far from downtown, you'll find Makomanai Takino Cemetery. This atypical cemetery has an eye-catching collection..
Accommodation Chisun Hotel Hiroshima Michelle Ishiki Chisun Hotel Hiroshima, centrally located in the downtown area, is a great place to stay if you're planning a visit to this..
6 Activities Sanbutsu-ji on Mt. Mitoku Michelle Ishiki What could have turned into a trip lowlight on Mt. Mitoku, turned into a memorable hike up to see the precariously located temple...
Nightlife Tejikara Fire Festival 2025 Mid Apr A must see festival if you're coming to Gifu in April. Dating back to the 18th century, the Tejikara Fire Festival at Tejikara..
Culture Daikon Hunting in Gujo Michelle Ishiki Getting a taste of the traditional countryside way of life in Gujo
Food Cosmos Farm Michelle Ishiki Cosmos Farm provides organic and vegan friendly foods to the traveler or resident
Culture Ryoukaizan Yokokura Temple Michelle Ishiki This temple, built in 801, enshrines a unique resident - a mummified priest.