Food Sendai Coffee Stand Justin Velgus Sendai Coffee Stand is a coffee shop in Sendai that serves great world coffee flavors in a fun and cool setting.
15 Food WithDog Dog Cafe in Sendai Justin Velgus WithDog is a dog café and salon located in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. Come with or without your dog, enjoy café food and desse..
11 Culture Doll Warehouse in Shiroishi Justin Velgus The Doll Warehouse in Shiroishi, Miyagi Prefecture, are actually two Edo era warehouses stuffed full of traditional dolls and some..
Activities Lake of the Dragon God in Naruko Justin Velgus Katanuma Lake, sometimes known as "Lake of the Dragon God", is a crater lake in Naruko, Miyagi Prefecture formed 1100 years ago..
Activities 700km Michinoku Trail English Info Justin Velgus May 12, 2016 Tohoku picks up advertisement in English of the 700km Michinoku Shiokaze Trail!
Culture Akiu Kaleidoscope Museum Justin Velgus The Sendai Kaleidoscope Museum (仙台万華鏡美術館) is a unique museum located in the hot spring resort town Akiu, in the outski..
Culture "Why Manhole Covers!?" Exhibit Justin Velgus Mar 22, 2016 Manhole covers in Japan, more often than not they are elaborate, creative, humorous or insipiring in their design. An art gallery..
Food Miyanobori Chanko Nabe Restaurant Justin Velgus Miyanobori is a chanko nabe restaurant located in a side street of Sun Mall pedestrian arcade in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture.