Beauty & Spa Using the Akiu Day Trip Hot Springs Justin Velgus The hot spring resort Akiu outside Sendai has a number of day trip plan options. Access and how to tips here.
Culture Golden Pharaohs and Pyramids Exhibit Justin Velgus Apr 28, 2016 From April 22 (Fri) to June 26 (Sun), Sendai City Museum is hosting the Golden Pharaohs and Pyramids Exhibit.
Transportation Tohoku Welcomes First Budget Airline Justin Velgus Apr 14, 2016 TigerAir Taiwan becomes Tohoku's first low-cost carrier (LCC) starting this June.
Culture The Monk, the Wanderer, and the Dead Justin Velgus Toukou-ji Temple (東光寺) is a temple dating back to the 9th century, founded by famous priest Ennin (Jikaku Daishi). Visited ..
Food "Come and Get It!" Chinese Food Justin Velgus Tabenioide Ryuuhou (たべにおいで 龍宝) is a popular Chinese restaurant in Akiu, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. Its interesting sig..
Activities The Golden Legend Art Exhibition Justin Velgus Feb 8, 2016 The Golden Legend is an art exhibit featuring some of the world's oldest golden treasures. Held at the Miyagi Museum of Art..
Activities Sankyozawa Bicycle Safety Park Justin Velgus Sankyozawa Bicycle Safety Park is a free and safe place for children to practice riding a bicycle and learn traffic rules in S..
Accommodation Unmatched Excellence at Hotel Sakan Justin Velgus Hotel Sakan is a luxury hot spring hotel with over a 1000 years of history. The hotel is famous for its exceptional baths, hot..