Culture Oyama Jinja Iwakuraji Kerrie Hankinson Oyama Jinja is located on three separate locations in the hills and mountains of south-east Toyama prefecture. This article focuses..
Culture Nunobashi Kanjoue Kerrie Hankinson When the mountain religion Shugendō flourished in this valley, on the middle day of Autumn Equinox, hundreds of women came to ..
Culture Ashikuraji Oyama Jinja Kerrie Hankinson Ashikuraji village, on the edge of the Tateyama caldera, is the site of the mid-level Oyama JInja. This beautiful shrine is steeped..
Culture Tateyama Museum of Toyama Kerrie Hankinson Oyama Jinja and the sites of Nunobashi at Ashikuraji are great places to visit. The Tateyama Museum is a good place to learn about..
Culture Zuiryuji Kerrie Hankinson Zuiryuji is a magnificent example of early Edo architecture. Modelled on Chinese design, building took 20 years. It reflects the..
Culture Oyama Jinja Kerrie Hankinson Perched on the top of Tateyama's Oyama Peak is Oyama Jinja, once a flourishing center of Shugendō, the mountain religion o..
Culture Bitchū Matsuyama Castle Kerrie Hankinson A unique castle and nature experience. Visit this beautiful, rugged castle area, steeped in history, surrounded by nature, and unencroached..