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57 results
Hongaku-ji Temple 7

Hongaku-ji Temple


“Hongaku-ji Temple” in Kamakura is very famous for Kamakura seven deities of good luck. Originally, “Ebisu do” was established..

Kanagawa 2
Arima Hot Spring 7

Arima Hot Spring


Arima hot spring in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, is one of the top three oldest hot springs in Japan. Its relatively small size, back..

Hyogo 3
Katori Jingu Shrine Part 2 6

Katori Jingu Shrine Part 2


Katori Shrine's Okunomiya, the rear shrine, in Japanese is a short walk south-west of Katori Jingu Shrine but it is hallowed..

Chiba 1
Hikone Castle in Shiga 7

Hikone Castle in Shiga


Hikone Castle in Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture, is a very famous original castle tower. It is registered as a National Treasure..

Shiga 1
Shinkyo Bridge in Nikko 8

Shinkyo Bridge in Nikko


One of Japan's Three Major Strange Bridges, Shinkyo Bridge is located in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture. The red bridge is part of..

Tochigi 5
Hongu Shrine in Nikko 8

Hongu Shrine in Nikko


Hongu Shrine in Nikko is an auxiliary shrine of Futarasan Shrine. Registered as one of the 103 World Heritage buildings of the Temples..

Tochigi 2
Ensei-ji Temple, Yamaguchi 6

Ensei-ji Temple, Yamaguchi


Ensei-ji Temple, in Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi, is a rare extant example of a Buddhist temple and Shinto still coexisting at a single..

Yamaguchi 2
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