Photo: Ota City
Photo: Ota City

Haneda Matsuri 2025

Haneda Shrine
Late Jul 2025

The annual Haneda Matsuri, or Haneda Festival, is held on the last week of July every year. At this lively traditional summer festival, the mikoshi, or the portable shrine, is carried by 3,000 people, with more than 30,000 visitors attending. As Haneda used to be a fishermen’s town, the mikoshi is carried in a unique way, called the Yokota, that represents a boat swaying on the ocean.

Getting there

5 min walk from the Keikyu line “Ootorii” Station. 5 min walk from the Keikyu line “Anamori Inari Jinja” Station.

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Choi Youn 2 months ago
date fixed as 29 July ? can i know the time? starts from XX?
date different from above,

please make sure which date is correct?

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