- 3 min read

Maguro Bito

Kaiten-zushi in Asakusa

Watch mouth-watering sushi dance past on a revolving belt at Maguro Bito (まぐろ人), which is said to be the top kaiten-zushi spot in Asakusa. Maguro means tuna and this conveyor belt sushi spot is known for its buttery smooth otoro (fatty tuna). I ventured out to see if this tuna was up to snuff.

After successfully navigating my way to what I thought was the location of Maguro Bito, I came to find a construction lot in the exact spot where the restaurant should've been. All I could think to myself was "Seriously?" Of course,something like this would happen to me and on a day I was especially craving sushi! I checked the address again, just to make sure I didn't make a foolish gaijin error but much to my dismay I was actually in the correct spot. Alas, I spotted a small poster pasted to the wall of the site. Fortunately, I could read the Japanese on the sign.

The sign's directions led me to Shin-Nakamise Dori (新仲見世通), about one minute from where I was standing. Simply walk to Orange Street and make a right at the first shopping street, marked with signs hanging overhead. Shin-Nakamise Dori is a heavily congested shopping arcade that runs perpendicular to Nakamise Street. This shopping street is a typical site in touristy Asakusa, filled with inexpensive souvenirs, shoe and purse shops—basically everything you don't need. Maguro Bito is located amidst all the clutter and hubbub of the trinket shops and stands out with its brand new wooden exterior and clearly marked sign (see picture).

Upon entering you will be enthusiastically greeted by the entire staff. English menus are available, listing all the different types of sushi you can order. The pricing system is easy to understand with colored plates indicating price from 140-520 yen per plate. If you don't see what you like coming round the belt, simply ask the chef what sushi you'd like made to order.

Of all the types of sushi I devoured during my visit, including anago (sea eel), uni (sea urchin), ebi (shrimp), and madai​ (red snapper), the otoro reigned as supreme. The taste was as buttery smooth and flavorful as claimed. I would return to Maguro Bito just to eat more of this delicous fatty tuna. Of course, the other fish I tried were very tasty and also worth a try. The service was up to par with what I've found in Japan and the wait staff were very happy to play with the customers, pretending to throw wasabi and serve empty plates.

A day packed with sight seeing and touring can be centered around a meal at Maguro Bito. The Sensoji Temple, Kappabashi Dori and Tokyo Skytree are doable in a day trip to the area.

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Reyzi Enditya 8 years ago
i neet to go there next time
Serene Tan 10 years ago
Thanks for the recommendation. Will bookmark this for my itinerary.
leapinglemurs88 11 years ago
NO WAY! I was at Maguro bito last summer while in japan. This place was my group's favorite sushi spot. One of the locals took us there after asking around for good sushi restaurants lol. Luckily I didn't have to deal with construction or different locations like you Perri. It was well worth the hassle though. The workers are very friendly to foreigners and remember having a memorable meal with all my friends. Great article again Ms. Silverstein. I can't wait for more.
Barbie Keeper 11 years ago
What a superb article. Most interesting , fabulous
Mouth watering descriptions of food as well as witty.
I actually felt that I was there. Now I really must add this to my To Do List . Again, miss 0
Perri thank you for another informative, vividly
Descriptive article that makes my mouth water and rush out immediately!

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