Japan's art galleries and museums not only display arts from Japan but also from abroad. In fact, it's one of the great pleasures of Japan that so much of the world's art is so enthusiastically displayed and enjoyed by patrons.
One museum, the Setagaya Art Museum, can be found in south-west Tokyo. Set in the pleasant grounds of Kinuta Park, the museum hosts numerous Japanese and non-Japanese themed exhibitions throughout the year.
From November, the museum will be holding two concurrent exhibitions. 'Bruno Munari: The Man Who Made the Useless Machines' looks at the works of the late Italian artist Bruno Munari, and will be on display until January. The museum's collection of West and Central African art will be on display under the banner 'All of the African Contemporary Art Collection' and will run until April.
Please be sure to look over the museum's website for prices and opening times.