Amazing Outside Corridors -1 Tomoko Kamishima Eikan-do 永観堂, officially called Zenrin-ji Temple 禅林寺 has a collection of amazing outside corridors connecting several te..
Tochigi in Video Jillian Engelhard Fosten Experience the great outdoors just two hours north of Tokyo in the city of Nikko.
Activities Cooking Sun: Japanese Cooking Class Camille Dufour-Blain Want to learn more about Japanese Food? Taking cooking classes is definitely the best way to do so. Cooking Sun is a cooking school..
Visit Kinugawa Park Hotels Jillian Engelhard Fosten Enjoy a one of a kind, relaxing Japanese experience at Kinugawa Park Hotels.
In Video: Tokyo Grand Tea Ceremony Roxanne L W If you have ever wondered which way is the Japanese way to drink tea, then you will find all the answers at the Tokyo Grand Tea..
Tateyama Alpine Route in Motion Somrak Bhakdisuparit Early fall colors along Tateyama Alpine Route on a rainy day. Bathe in nature traveling via various transportation modes along Tateyama..
Food Hoshinoya Karuizawa, Food Selection Tomoko Kamishima Hoshinoya Karuizawa offers a variety of food choices: Main dining "Kasuke," casual restaurant "Sonmin Shokudo," various restau..