Bungu Joshi Haku Stationery Festival 2025

A celebration of Japan's love of stationery

Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall D
Mid Dec 2025

There are numerous things that Japan does exceptionally well, and one of them is stationery. The Bungu Joshi-Haku 2020 is a celebration of stationery in its many forms, from adorable notebooks through to functional pens and highlighters, washi tape and more. A wide range of stationery companies will showcase their products at the event, with booths from the likes of Coto Mono from Nara, COMO from Hokkaido, and even Japan Post to name just a few.

Getting there

This year's event takes place at Pacifico Yokohama, which can be accessed in under 10 minutes on foot from Minato Mirai Station.

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Lana 5 months ago
Hello! I tried to buy tickets on their website but it requires a Japanese phone number to buy the tickets. Do you by chance know if there is another website where it’s possible to buy the admission tickets for this show? We’ll be coming from the US and since they don’t sell the tickets on the day of the show, we need to buy them in advance. I’m really puzzled because I really want to visit this show as I love stationery. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Mags L 5 months ago
Hey there! Please go here on the official website - https://bungujoshi.com/event/bungujoshi2024/
That is the page of the event, at the bottom click the “Buy Ticket” button for English/foreign purchase. You still have to set up an account to pay but it won’t need a Japanese phone #. Good luck!
Elizabeth S 4 years ago
Timely! While I refrain from going abroad, and my friends can’t visit, I’ll be sending them lots of letters.
Kim Bergström Author 4 years ago
The silver lining of the current global climate is that I think we're all slowing down and appreciating the little things. Letter writing (and receiving!) is such a joy, and some cute stationery definitely makes it all the more enjoyable!
Elena Lisina 4 years ago
Japanese stationary is so cute and neat! I always buy book marks in MARUZEN made as paper dolls. And calendars - there is such a variety!
Kim Bergström Author 4 years ago
I'm obsessed with Japanese stationery...I love cute notebooks, washi tape, letter sets and writing paper, planners and diaries...the list goes on! It's one of those simple things that brings me a lot of joy :)

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