When I first opened the book, I was overwhelmed by the artistic yet detailed drawings and descriptions of Shinjuku. The authors, Florent and Chavouet, constantly surprise the readers with beautiful hand drawings of streets and buildings coupled with hilarious comments on the looks and styles of the people around them.

The book is clearly different from many of the books for tourists, as it is not really focused on popular places to visit or which restaurants to visit for decent Japanese food. Instead, the authors focus on emotions and sharing what they have seen and felt during their trip to Tokyo. Japanese people are depicted in their daily life, and everything from their journey is shown through pictures and hand-drawn maps. In this sense, the book gives a closer insight to Tokyo than any other tourism book. The contents and layouts of the book are quite random, but this randomness keeps the reader's attention thoroughly making this a hard book to put down. Some of my favorites parts include gathering comments from random people on the streets of Shibuya or interludes such as comparison of Japanese high school girls and Japanese police officers with what the authors are accustomed to seeing back home.
The book does a great job entertaining the reader as well as keeping them informed about many of the complicated places in Tokyo. I would like to recommend this book to those interested in taking a closer look at Tokyo and definitely for those looking for a unique and colorful Tokyo. For those who love to walk around the streets and discover things for themselves as opposed to following the guidebook of the most famous venues, this book will also be a perfect choice. By following the journey of two talented authors, you will be able to find your own adventure in Tokyo.