- 1 min read

Flowers on Rocky Cliffs of Tojinbo

Lonesome beauty wins the battle of survival

I don't know why but I have this misfortune that every time I visit Tojinbo Cliffs it rains. The latest visit I paid was no exception. I was hoping to see the rocky, dramatic cliffs of Tojinbo under a bright sunshine, but my hope was shattered once again. However, this time I got lucky. I found strong lives thriving on the cliffs there: Flowers, plants and trees. Their strength amazes me. If you see with your own eyes the steep, jagged cliffs, you wouldn't readily believe that any life forms would ever venture to live here, but they do. Come to see them yourself. I'm sure you'll be encouraged by their strong survival skills! You can see other photos of Tojinbo Cliffs here.

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Find out more about Tojinbo Cliffs.

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