- 2 min read

Strawberry Picking at Tsukuihama

All-you-can-eat. Pick & dip in sweet condensed milk!

Strawberry season has officially begun at Tsukuihama Tourist Farm in Yokosuka. From January 1st to May 5th, enjoy all-you-can-eat on the premises. Although limited to a 30-minute time frame, you’ll find the duration to be more than enough to harvest and fill your tummies with the ripest berries. Oh, life just got so much sweeter with strawberries dipped in condensed milk!

To access the strawberry fields, start from Tsukuihama Station off of Route 134. A shuttle bus is available in front of the station adjacent to the bicycle lot. By car, the farm is within a 5-minute drive. On foot, about a 15-minute walk. The streets are narrow, so please proceed with caution and follow the Tsukuihama fruit & vegetable signs along the path.

En route, you’ll come across a large building clearly marked by banners and colorful strawberry signs. Visitors should check-in here for payment, and in return, a greenhouse number will be assigned. Most of the information is printed in Japanese with basic information translated into English. Free parking is available just across the street on the upper level. Due to the loose gravel and mud on rainy days, be sure to wear proper shoes.

Rules of the Farm:

  1. Check-in at specified strawberry greenhouse
  2. Receive a small tray, which holds sweet condensed milk on one side and the other to hold your stems.
  3. All-you-can-eat, on the premises, within a 30-minute time limit.
  4. Pick the strawberry from the stem. Do not pull from the fruit.
  5. Once you exit the greenhouse, you cannot re-enter.
  6. Be mindful of the young fruit and plants. Pick and walk with caution.

Pricing per person:

  • Jan 1 to Jan 5: 1,900yen
  • Jan 6 to end of Feb: 1,700yen
  • Mar 1 to Mar 31: 1,500yen
  • Apr 1 to May 5: 1,200yen

Lastly, the temperature in the greenhouse can get very warm, even in the winter, so you may want to dress in layers. Also, you’ll notice a slight buzz in the air. Strawberry flowers are most effectively pollinated by honeybees, so don't be alarmed. They are not aggressive by nature, and will not sting unless protecting their hive from an intruder or are unduly provoked.

Have a berry great time and enjoy!

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Sleiman Azizi 3 years ago
You know, it never occurred to me that Japan equals strawberries.... until I started living there. Big, juicy sweet strawberries. Hard to say no to!
Kim Bergström 6 years ago
Worth every yen in my opinion - the strawberries in Japan are next-level good!
Relinda Puspita 10 years ago
It must be fun!
Jessica A Paje Author 10 years ago
Hi Relinda! It was definitely loads of fun. Strawberries in Japan are out of this world! Especially delicious when dipped into sweet condensed milk. What a treat! Hope you get to experience it out here. :-)

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