If there was one good thing to come from the COVID era, it was that remote work became much more accepted. Many companies came to the realization that their employees could work from anywhere provided they had a computer/laptop and a stable internet connection, freeing people from their office cubicles and allowing the option to explore the world while getting their jobs done.
The number of countries offering digital nomad visas has also expanded significantly over recent years, with Japan ready to hop on board this trend from late March 2024. There are a few stipulations for this visa to be granted, with one of them being an income threshold – there is a requirement for an annual income above 10 million Japanese yen, which equates to around $68,000 US dollars (at the time of writing) as a point of reference. This income also covers those who are self-employed and freelancing, so your remote job doesn't necessarily need to be with a separate company.

There are some other requirements, too, including that digital nomad visa recipients need to be eligible for private health insurance, and from a country that already has visa-exempt status in Japan and has a tax treaty with Japan. You can explore a list of countries that have a tax treaty with Japan (as of June 2023) here.
Once approved, the digital nomad visa recipient is able to remotely work in Japan for a six month period, and they can be accompanied by a spouse and children.
If you are looking for a way to both work and travel throughout Japan for a longer period and you meet the relevant criteria, the digital nomad visa might be worth looking into. Please check with the Japanese embassy in your home country for more information about this new visa option.