Food Siam Garden Restaurant Chris Glenn Enjoy authentic Thai cuisine at the Siam Garden Restaurant, in the former 1930's Nagoya Consulate of Siam building!
Activities Kabuto Beer: Beer of the Samurai! Chris Glenn It could be mistaken for being abandoned, as it’s usually closed and the Meiji era brick work is pocked with bullet holes. Thi..
Activities Seki-Juku and Jizo-in Temple Chris Glenn The best preserved of 53 post stations on the Old Tokaido is Seki-Juku. Houses, shops and temples from the middle ages remain as..
Shopping Sex and the Komaki City Chris Glenn Samantha from Sex and The City would be impressed, as Komaki rises to the occasion for the Fertility Festival with one huge....
Activities Noritake Gardens Chris Glenn Noritake Gardens, Museum and Craft Center, is probably best associated with Grandma's best china, the fancy tableware that only..
Activities Banshoji Chris Glenn You wouldn't know it by looking at it, but the Oda clan temple, Banshoji has a long history and many interesting tales to tell!..
Culture Satsuki and Mei's Totoro House Chris Glenn "Satsuki and Mei's House" is a life-sized recreation of the house from acclaimed Japanese director Miyazaki Hayao’s famous..