Culture Acoustic Gramophone Gallery Ilona Lin This Acoustic Gramophone Gallery is a store and gallery selling and showcasing acoustic credenza gramophones.
Food Experience Nagi in Golden Gai Ilona Lin Nagi Golden Gai is a regional ramen chain in the Tokyo area, which is famous for it’s rich and thick sardine-based broth.
Culture Morioka Shoten Ginza Ilona Lin Morioka Shoten is a small bookstore with the concept of showing one single room with one single book.
Food Houtou Fudou Eatery in Kawaguchiko Ilona Lin Houtou is a popular dish in Japan originated from Yamanashi, and Houtou Fudou is a great place to try it.
Culture Out in Japan Ilona Lin The 5th floor of Shibuya O1O1 is currently hosting an exhibit on the LGBT community in Japan.
31 Shopping Line Friends Store Ilona Lin Line, the app, has a store! If you are a regular user and a big fan of the communications app—'LINE' from Japan—then t..
Planning NINJA Wi-Fi Ilona Lin NINJA WiFi is one of the most widely-used pocket WIFI devices in Japan.
12 Culture Akihabara Busou Shoten Ilona Lin Akihabara Busou Shoten is a weapons and armor store in Akihabara.