Activities Shibuya Blue Cave Illumination 2025 Early - Late Dec After a hiatus of two years the Blue Cave is back with a vengeance in Shibuya. The event was previously organised along the Meguro..
14 Culture Shimoda Ropeway Jemma King The Shimoda Ropeway is a short walk from the Shimoda train station. It is a great way to see the town in the larger context of its..
Transportation Ten Tips For Train Travel in Japan Jemma King Trains are the main mode of transport here in Japan. They will take you from A to B via C and loop round to D if required. The systems..
Food Madosh Cafe - Avocado Inspiration Jemma King Do you love avocados? Not like, love? If you have just started salivating you need to visit Madosh Cafe.
13 Activities Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage Jemma King If the 5 heritage listed sites, spiritual significance and scenery of the Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage interest you but you do not have..
Recommended Culture Shibuya Halloween Jemma King Halloween has been steadily building momentum in Japan over the past few years, with this Tokyo event in October a highlight. The..
13 Culture Culture Day Parade in Hikone Jemma King My first impression of Hikone was quiet and tranquil town with narrow windy streets and tiny cars. Then I stumbled across the towns..
Culture Cat Alley In Onomichi Jemma King Neko no Hosomichi or Cat Alley in Onomichi is hidden away between the sloping streets that wind around the town. It connects art,..