Culture Lacquer Painting in Yamaguchi City Linda Cordes Visitors to Yamaguchi can experience the traditional art of ouchi-nuri by painting a pair of chopsticks with lacquer.
6 Food Ivorish in Fukuoka Linda Cordes Ivorish is a specialty French toast restaurant located in the Tenjin area of Fukuoka.
Culture Pottery Experience in Hagi Linda Cordes Try your hand at making Hagiyaki at a beautiful studio in Yamaguchi Prefecture.
6 Momijidani Park at Kintai Linda Cordes Momijidani Park at Kintai is a great place to enjoy beautiful fall colors.
6 Otera Cafe Linda Cordes Otera Café is a beautiful café with memorable drinks and sweets, located south of Iwakuni on Oshima Island.