Culture Field Of Millions Of Flowers Victoria Vlisides A sea of millions of flowers at Hitachi Seaside Park #flowers #flowerpark
Food The Blue Bottle Coffee Experience Victoria Vlisides Experience the California cafe import: Blue Bottle Coffee
8 Activities Famous Hana-mi Spots in Kyoto Victoria Vlisides 3 Kyoto hanami spots to get an eye full of cherry blossoms!
8 Culture Big Buddha at Nihon-ji, Chiba Victoria Vlisides 31-meter, stone-carved Buddha in Nokogiriyama, Chiba!
Food A Big Steak and Some ‘Honky Tonk’ Victoria Vlisides Giddy up! A honky tonk and steak bar in Chiba, Japan! #america #honkytonkinjapan
8 Culture Tokushima University Area Victoria Vlisides The area around Tokushima University is quite scenic and worth checking out.
8 Food Strange, Tasty Food In Yakushima Victoria Vlisides Most of these things can only be eaten while on the island of Yakushima! Go for it!