Shopping Kuromon Market in Osaka Nadiah Endarwy Explore an Osaka market that's famous for variety of products sold.
Food Vegetarian Restaurants in Osaka Etsy Dah Below, we list the three best restaurants in Osaka that provide delicious... minutes to the north from Yotsubashi Station on the Yotsubashi line, Osaka
Accommodation Hotel Inter-Continental Osaka Bonson Lam Hotel is a welcome addition to the luxury hotel circuit, and along with other 5 star hotels in the area, like the Ritz Carlton and St Regis, has put Osaka
6 Exploring Osaka by Night Navodinee Wickramanayake A few sources of inspiration and ideas for what you can expect on a night out in Japan's vibrant metropolis of Osaka.
9 Osaka Castle in Summer FebiNU Osaka castle is a must-see destination. This castle is one of the most beautiful castles in Japan.
Culture Keitakuen Garden in Osaka Tatiana Markina Keitakuen Garden in Osaka is located on the grounds of Tennoji Park, close to Shitennoji.
6 Incredible Views of Osaka Charles Colfer I had not been in Osaka for more than 5 hours, but I knew the first thing... It was my first time to the city, the sun was brilliant and my luggage