Shopping Watanabe Sake Brewery Japan Travel Surrounded by dramatic mountain ranges and blessed with a supply of some of the purest water in Japan, Watanabe Sake Brewery (established..
Shopping Hazama Sake Brewery Justin Dart Hazama Sake Brewing Company has been producing Ena-san sake for 390 years and received many awards for quality.
Shopping Ena Kyo Service Area (Southbound) Justin Dart Take a break at the Ena Kyo Southbound service area on the Chuo Expressway; sweets, gas & Starbucks
Shopping Sample Kobo in Gujo Justin Dart Every wanted to make a fake cake out of silicon? Sample Kobo, in downtown Gujo City, is the place to go.
Shopping Michi No Eki Kashimo Justin Dart Tomato Ice Cream! Braken cakes! Local food and local at home feeling makes Michi No Eki Kashimo the place to stop for local crafts,..