Electronics Sony Flagship Store and Showroom Todd Wojnowski The Sony Showroom and Store is the electronics giant's flagship location in Tokyo. Anything and everything can be found here,..
10 Shopping Dover Street Market: Ginza Ana Skara A statement in its own right, Tokyo’s high-end fashion district in Ginza has made a significant mark in the fashion world. Dov..
20 Shopping Francfranc Ana Skara The Francfranc store in Ginza is located in the Velvia Building just four minutes from Ginza Station. Across the two floors, you..
15 Games & Toys Hakuhinkan Toy Park Hannah Warren A toy store in Ginza, Tokyo, with gifts and fun for kids of all ages.
Shopping Ginza-Hibiya's Monster Connection Armand Vaquer Tokyo's famous shopping district has been featured in a number of science-fiction movies.
Shopping Galerie Nichido in Ginza Featured Galerie Nichido was one of the 1st galleries in Japan to focus on Western-influenced art. Since 1928 it has shown works from the..