Aug 26th
Sep 10th
- 1 min read

Finding Japan Bon Dance Festival 2023

A cultural celebration at Haneda Airport Garden

Haneda Airport Garden
Aug 26th - Sep 10th 2023

One of Japan's representative summer traditions is bon dancing, where ancestral spirits are honored through music and movement. A special event taking place at Haneda Airport Garden shines a light on this, and will include bon odori dance displays from several popular summer festivals.

The Finding Japan Bon Odori Festival is set to showcase Akita's Nishimonai Bon Odori, Kochi's Yosakoi dancing, and Tokushima's Awa Odori, which are three of the country's best-known summer dance events.

Please note that while the event runs from August 26th until September 10th, there is a specific schedule for the dance performances – and they don't take place every day during that window. More information about the dates and times for dance performances can be found on the official event website, so be sure to double check it if there is a must-see dance for you.

Photo: Sumitomo Real Estate Commercial Management Co., Ltd.

Getting there

Haneda Airport Garden has direct connectivity to Haneda Airport's Terminal 3.

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