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767 results
Art Hotel Aomori [Closed]

Art Hotel Aomori [Closed]

Sonia Schlesinger

The colours and atmosphere of Aomori Art Hotel are welcoming, including earthy tones and unpainted wood panels that are a nod to the forests in this prefecture

Aomori 4
Metropolitan Hotel Takasaki

Metropolitan Hotel Takasaki


Metropolitan Hotel Takasaki, a hotel that blends flawlessly with its city surroundings, is the place for you if convenience and comfort are your top priorities

Mutsu Park Hotel

Mutsu Park Hotel

Peter Sidell

In Mutsu in Japan's Aomori oprefecture, Mutsu Park Hotel is reasonably priced and convenient for transportation links for exploring Osore-zan and other

Beniya in Awara Onsen 11

Beniya in Awara Onsen

Illaura Rossiter

In Awara Onsen in Japan's Fukui Prefecture, Beniya is a long-established traditional inn with 24 cozy rooms, and service that is careful and attentive.
