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Mount Koya and Okunoin in Winter

Mount Koya and Okunoin in Winter

Amanda Ho

If coming from Osaka, it is most easily accessible by taking Nankai Railways... nice surprise to see the top of the mountain covered in pretty white falling

Wakayama 3
Nemuro: The Most Eastern City

Nemuro: The Most Eastern City

Amanda Ho

There are six trains a day from Kushiro, taking about two and a half hours... Taking a walk around the train station, one would realize that there is

Narita Transit Experiences

Narita Transit Experiences

Lisa Wallin

entertained for a bit but—if you’re going to be sitting down for another 10 hours... Even better, you can choose between guided and self-guided tours to suit

Chiba 2
Sado Gold Mine

Sado Gold Mine

Kenny King Hin Choi

The alternative, which is not a bad one at all, is walking.... There are two visiting tours, which could be done separately.

Niigata 5