7 Historical Akita Jizouden Site Janessa Landry A historical site has been preserved in Akita. Located close to AEON mall in Goshono the huts from the Yayoi Period are really..
Culture Akita Neburi-Nagashi Hall Justin Velgus At this small museum, you could easily spend more than an hour if you want to practice kanto lantern balancing with friends. It..
Museums Daisen City Maharoba Noh Theatre Anonymous Noh, or Nohgaku (能楽) is one of the cultural treasures of medieval Japan. A form of theatre largely devised by the Father/Son..
Culture Winter Bonden Festival in Daisen Malcome Larcens A winter festival to bring good luck and prosperity in Daisen
Culture Keminkaikan: Akita's Hidden Theater [Closed] Janessa Landry Hidden in the middle of Akita city is a theater that houses many different talents. If you are interested in traditional perfo..