Culture Chiba Prefecture's Japanese Gardens Elizabeth S Within easy travel to Tokyo and Narita Airport is a handful of gardens representative of nihon teien, traditional Japanese gardens.
14 Culture The Japanese Garden Elena Lisina To enjoy the Japanese garden, one needs to understand its essence and traditions. In a garden, monks create a miniature image of the universe.
Culture Japanese Peony Garden in Tsukuba Featured Apr 18, 2016 The Tsukuba Peony Garden runs from April 18th–May 22nd.
Culture The Japanese Garden of Hotel New Otani Sleiman Azizi With a history of over 400 years, the free to access Japanese Garden of Hotel New Otani is not only harmoniously laid out but features incredibly high
Culture Japanese Lanterns Elena Lisina Different lanterns in Japanese gardens and temples serve not just as lighting but also for decoration.
Culture Salvador Dali and Japanese Avant-Garde 2021 Apr 24th - Jun 27th 2021 Past Event A special exhibition at Fukushima's Morohashi Museum of Modern Art explores the connection between Salvador Dali and a number of Japanese avant-garde painters
Culture Japanese Homes Elena Lisina Staying with Japanese friends in their homes gave me a good opportunity to observe some common rules of housekeeping and to learn about unique items of