Museums Arts & Crafts at Ehime Folk Museum Anonymous The Saijo Folk Museum has some unusual arts and crafts housed in a beautiful Japanese art nouveau building.
Culture The Arts and Crafts of Echizen Featured A virtual event to show the local arts of Echizen; from knife making to washi traditional paper, local artisans have prospered in this town for centuries
Culture Japan Traditional Art & Crafts Exhibition 2023 Feb 15th - Mar 5th 2023 Past Event The Japan Traditional Art & Crafts Exhibition was established in 1954 with the goal of nurturing and preserving the country's world-class craft techniques
16 Arts & Crafts Matsumoto Crafts Elena Lisina Samples of crafts such as oshie dolls popular in Matsumoto city.
Culture Regional Crafts - Shikoku Sleiman Azizi Japan's Shikoku island is home to four prefectures and many traditional crafts.
Culture Regional Crafts - Chugoku Sleiman Azizi The five prefectures of the Chugoku region feature many traditional crafts.
Culture Regional Crafts - Tohoku Sleiman Azizi The Tohoku region with its six prefectures is home to a variety of traditional crafts.
Culture Regional Crafts - Chubu Sleiman Azizi Japan's Chubu region is home to nine prefectures and scores of traditional crafts.