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167 results
Oyamazumi Shrine

Oyamazumi Shrine

In the middle of Honshu and Shikoku, there's an island named Omishima which plays host to a Shinto shrine that served as a samurai mecca for more..

Ishiteji Temple

Ishiteji Temple

At Matsuyama’s most famous temple, a sight almost as guaranteed as the temple buildings themselves is the cadre of pilgrims in white traveling the Shikoku..

Imabari Castle

Imabari Castle

Protruding from a concrete landscape—one of the tallest things in sight—is Imabari Castle, in the coastal city of the same name. This structure is..



Most might not expect to find a French-style villa below Matsuyama Castle, but this elegant construction offers a respite from the bustling town center..

Oyamazumi Shrine on Omishima Island

Oyamazumi Shrine on Omishima Island


Oyamazumi Shrine is like a natural cathedral. It's home to a large collection of historical weapons and armour.

Ehime 1
Ehime Saijo Festival 2025

Ehime Saijo Festival 2025

Mid Oct

The Saijo Festival is held at the Kamo, Ishioka, Isono and Iizumi shrines in the middle of October, to give thanks for an abundant..

Ehime Free Entry
Tsubaki Matsuri 2026

Tsubaki Matsuri 2026

Early Jan

Tsubaki Matsuri is one of Matusyama's most popular festivals, and one that is unique to the region.

Ehime 4 Free Entry