Culture Maruoka Castle Maruoka Castle is a hirayama-style Japanese castle located in the Maruoka neighbourhood of the city of Sakai, Fukui Prefecture, in the Hokuriku regi..
Culture Yokokan Garden Yokokan Garden (養浩館庭園, Yōkōkan Teien) is a traditional Japanese garden established in the Edo period (1603 - 1868). The Yokokan villa inside th..
Culture Echizen Daibutsu At a height of 17m the Echizen Daibutsu (越前大仏) is the tallest Buddha statue in a sitting position.
Culture Fukui Castle Fukui Castle is a flatland-style castle located in what is now the city of Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, Japan. During the Edo period, it was the headqua..
Culture Fujishima Shrine Fujishima Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in the city of Fukui, Japan. In the former Modern system of ranked Shinto Shrines, it was a special shrine...
Historical Haunted Castle in Maruoka, Fukui Takako Sakamoto Maruoka Castle ('Misty Castle') in Fukui has a ghost legend - a woman who became a 'human sacrifice' when they..
Culture Echizen Ono Castle Ōno Castle was a Japanese castle located in the city of Ōno Fukui Prefecture, in the Hokuriku region of Japan. Built in the Sengoku period, it was o..
Culture Hanahasu Lotus Park Hanahasu Park (花はす公園) is located in Fukui's Minami-Echizen area and famous for its lotus flowers in the summer. Expect to find around 130 v..