Culture Monet's Pond The "Monet Pond", which until a few years ago did not have its own name, is well hidden in the lands of Gifu Prefecture. In 2015, the pond gained fame..
Culture Mishima Japanese Candleshop Japan Travel The Mishima Japanese Candleshop has been in business for over 240 years. The Japanese candles (Wa-rousoku) created here are all..
Culture Gujo Odori 2025 Mid Jul - Early Sep Gujo Odori is Japan's largest and one of the most famous dance festivals lasting thirty-two nights, three of which have dancing..
Festivals Furukawa Festival 2025 Apr 19th - Apr 20th The Furukawa Festival, or Furukawa Matsuri, is an annual event of Hida Furukawa’s Kata Wakamiya Shrine. During the two-day spe..
Culture Mino Festival 2025 Apr 12th - Apr 13th The Mino Festival is held every year on the second Saturday and Sunday of April, and the event is best known for several flower..
Culture Hida Mori no Megumi Japan Travel Hida Mori no Megumi is a one-stop shop for natural medicinal herbs which are said to relieve a multitude of ailments.
Culture Yatsusankan Ryokan Japan Travel Yatsusankan Ryokan is a traditional Japanese ryokan, overlooking the Araki River and Honkoji just south of Hida’s central dist..
Culture Eihoji Temple Eihō-ji is a Rinzai Zen Buddhist temple located in northern area of the city of Tajimi, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. Founded in the Kamakura period, two ..