Historical Nagoya Castle Ruins in Saga Tristan Scholze Visit the ruins of Nagoya Castle (Saga Prefecture), the short-lived second-largest in Japan. Built to invade a continent, it was..
Historical TeamLab: A Forest Where Gods Live 2023 Jul 14th - Nov 5th 2023 Past Event A new exhibition by TeamLab is sure to astound your senses and tickle your imagination.
Museums Yoshinogari Koen, Saga Georgina Young One of the oldest historical sites in Japan, an ancient Yayoi period village and its culture comes alive at Yoshinogari Histor..
6 Historical Karatsu Castle Mandy Bartok Karatsu Castle sits at the edge of Karatsu city with sweeping views over the Genkai Sea.
Museums Yoshinogari Historical Park Neal Dang The Stamp Rally takes place in Yoshinogari Historial Park every year in Saga Prefecture. International students learn about ancient..
16 Historical A (Very) Rustic Ceramics Factory Tristan Scholze Photo tour of an old and passing ceramics factory in the little pottery town of Arita, Saga, Japan. An anti-modern countryside delight...
Museums Kōden-ji Bradford Pomeroy Kōden-ji temple has been called a symbol for one of Japan’s most famous literary works on samurai culture, Hagakure: The Way o..
20 Historical Visit Yoshinogari Historical Park Senén Germade Experience ancient Japan at the renown Yoshinogari Historical Park in Saga with structures and artifacts from the Yayoi period..