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205 results
Yokohama's Model Railway Museum

Yokohama's Model Railway Museum

Mary Kawai

from their Hyogo Prefecture home to the Hara Model Railway Museum in Yokohama... lending trains to the museum on the second floor of the Mitsui building in Yokohama

Yokohama's Aka Renga Soko 11

Yokohama's Aka Renga Soko

Larry Knipfing

Formally the Customs Inspection House for Yokohama in the early 1920's, these handsome red brick buildings have been converted into one of Yokohama's most

Visit Yokohama’s Hikawa Maru

Visit Yokohama’s Hikawa Maru

Larry Knipfing

cargo ship used to transport people and goods back and forth between Yokohama... everyone who visited Japan in those days first entered through the port of Yokohama

Kanagawa 2